"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19
I was so inspired by all of our female MDiv'ers today that I thought that I would share this link with you all: Episcopal Barbie, High Church Edition. I have to say that I want one. She is great in her clerical collar and red pumps. (Abigail, what say you to Barbie's collar?)
So, this happens to me every four years, I start to get obsessive about watching football--soccer to all of you. There is something about the game itself because moment by moment you don't know what will happen next. Then you add the pressure of tournament play and you have World Cup Fever!!
Football is so much like life. You prepare and you prepare but you never know how you will perform until the very moment something happens. So many variables at play and so much risk and chance. There has to be some connection to spiritual formation here...
OK, so I haven't had as much time this time around to watch this first round of play, though I did enjoy the England vs USA match. (Click here for a Lego version of the goals...not a pretty goal for the US, but it worked.) I'm hoping to have more time this next week. Maybe I'll take my grading down to the pub...
And finally, for a funny on the philosophical side, here is Monty Python's "Philosopher's Football". Hilarious!
Good class today! I really enjoyed the student presentations--good food, how can one complain? Food, sacrament, abundance, story... Thank you for your contributions.
If you want to contribute: reingenuity AT gmail (etc)
And here is the quote from David Jones that Lisa used last week in her presentation. I can't get it out of my head:
"Man: sacrament at every turn and all levels of the 'profane' and 'sacred' in the trivial and the profound, no escape from sacrament." (David Jones, "Art and Sacrament")