Monday, September 28, 2009

Butternut Squash Soup!

Every year I anticipate the first batch of butternut squash soup. I don't know what it is. Something about the change in the weather, the leaves falling, pulling out all of my favorite sweaters...

Yesterday I made my first batch and it is/was very good. Nothing says "Happy Autumn!!" like a bowl of this soup. It is just plain yummy!

Plus, butternut squash is cheap right now. (Recession proof goodness!) I'm not going to give you are recipe, because I don't really have one. It is always changing. Here are some of my guidelines that I use: I love a bit of apple (not too much), a bit of ginger, a shake or so of cayenne pepper, lots of garlic, onion or leeks, beta carotene veggies of different sorts (this soup is a good emptier of the veggie drawer, just don't use mushrooms!), and some kind of broth. (I dump it all in a pot and let it boil.) When it is all soft, I puree! I don't use butter or cream, but if you want a little you can add a dollop of sour cream or plain yogurt to the top. If you need some more saltiness you garnish with some pan fried bacon or pancetta or just cook up some sausage.

There are lots of good recipes out there. Give it a try.


PS Here is the link to last week's ppts.


  1. I LOVE your butternut squash soup! Remember when you made it for me in Saskatchewan? I'm going to make a batch this weekend and share it either with my brother and his girlfriend or at a potluck!

  2. Can you believe I cannot find butternut squash or anything comparable? Travesty!

  3. It may be that they just aren't ripe yet up in Saskatchewan. You know, Canada is always a bit behind! ;)

    Nice if they would be ready by Thanksgiving. Isn't that next weekend?

  4. Perhaps they're not ripe. Good point. :)

    Good memory about Thanksgiving. It is indeed next weekend. And I'll be in Calgary. :)
