Wednesday, August 13, 2008


'Photograph Graveside' by Vangie R.

There is a slight brown like singed eyebrows declaring that sunshine occurred.

A slight change in elevation over Grandma Dudie’s body.

What remains…

In her ark.chest.coffin

The full height of myself between the corpse and the surface

The earth pushed up and made a slight crack in the corner of the marble

Beloved Wife and Mother

Esther M. Roswall

1918 1982

The Salvation Army crest sits between the years looking like a sun spreading her skirt out into a curtsy with an obnoxious crown

That old Victorian symbol standing between Esther’s birth and death where her life should be…

The shadows once belonging to her daughter and granddaughter float ethereally to the right as to not disturb the Sun in her pompous glory

Yet darkening grandpa’s bloodiron gravemarker

Mauritz W. Roswall

U.S. Army

World War II

July 13, 1911 June 19, 1995

Exact dates with a simple cross raised between

Stark. Metallic. Cold.


Floating above the soft cheek the heavy hand,

Returning into adomah

Powerless to comfort, empowered to shush….

by Vangie R.

What great push edged Agda off of the great appendage of Northern Europe: The sterile soil yielding only bland potatoes nudging her to risk crossing the sea från

Sverige to Chicago, to Minnesota to the

logging/fishing outpost trying to be a city called Seattle

Ever the outsider

Marrying Gus nee coalmines now a halibutman

Leaving the ministry

birthing 5

Losing golden curled Ruthie

Losing Sverige

Gaining America?

Your baby girl

Nursed you


Esther overcoming the darkness with voice, trumpet, accordion, guitar

American yet trapped between

Mama’s passing, you were finally able to live into your vocation of ministry

Mauritz duly impressed, loving you until

Condemning you to a separate, arctic bed

Serve him, everything must be snäll as he gives

your love rations to the church secretary

Little Lulu

“little adult”

Your best friend

your baby girl

Its poured into



Carol with horn and piano and choir and horned rimmed cat eye glasses

Enduring the robotic sterility of what makes Sweden famous

No sibling, alone, move from place to place to place

Seattle, Olympia, Portland, Coos Bay, Eureka

Will your only friend be Mama?

What you want to be when you grow up is the same as your Mama and mormor…

Given up to marry a hick logger

Move to a trailer park and

daddy puts his hat on and leaves

Manic Depressive

Rage carries on hidden behind flimsy walls

A comfort found….

Evangeline brings good news to take your pain away.

Gritted teeth and a slap, followed by tight maternal embrace and dubbed

“a fragile little flower”

I am your little comfort

Forever Exodus, getting the hell out of Forks

Thirsting for something else than these generations

of starved women feeding on their young

Mothering their mother

Babying their husband

Drains from above into …

And I



'Benediction of the Artistic Impulse
' by Vangie R.

A gift descending

A tongue

Of fire

Resting as a hand of blessing

May gasoline like oil pour inconveniently

Over you

And light the match

Explode into fire

May your skin melt off like Hiroshima

This cursèd blessing will swallow us into something…

This glorious agony!

Because we know that you’ve gotta lose your life to gain it.

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